What is Wind Energy


Wind energy is the energy which we harness from the wind currents in the atmosphere. This kinetic energy of the wind is captured using wind-turbines and converted into useful mechanical and electrical energy. There is always low pressure and high pressure regions in the atmosphere. When these regions come close to each other, the air flows from the high pressure areas to the low pressure areas. This is how wind currents are formed. This usually happens around the sea coasts and that is why we find that coastal areas are very windy. Wind energy is basically this energy of the wind captured in a useful form.

Wind turbine is the machine which is used for this conversion of energy to a useful form. It is basically a generator. The front portion of the generator is fitted with aerodynamic blades which are rotated by the wind incident on them. This leads to the revolution of the shaft where the generator is connected. When the proper speed of rotation is reached, the generator begins generating power.

Wind energy is free and environment friendly but the initial cost of investment is very high which really casts a doubt over its usefulness. Wind energy is also an intermittent form of energy. Suppose it's not a windy day, then how do you generate power? Such things need to be looking into and the solutions sought to make use of a wonderful technology. Of course, solar energy can't be used alone to fulfill all the needs of the world population, but it takes a good percentage.


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